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Gunnar utan filter

– En rolig föreställning om tråkiga saker. 

SPECT scenkonst

Script: Bob Hansson (based on the Novel Gunnar)

Directed by Eva Wendt

Set design: Leif Persson

On stage: Kristina Nilsson, Jens Molander, and Johan Svensson

Gunnar utan filter is a fun performance about sad things. Without a new heart, the 58-year-old early retiree Gunnar wouldn't exist anymore. Now, it's his job that suddenly doesn't exist. Gunnar, who used to be active, now just sits at home with way too much time on his hands. And no break room to go to. At the same time, Gunnar's new heart starts affecting him in mysterious ways.

The performance Gunnar utan filter is a theatrical improvisation where a monologue is performed interchangeably and with improvised actions by three actors. And they are all Gunnar. 

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