Performing arts
The moment on stage when the scripted falters, revealing something raw beyond our adapted selves is very attractive to me. The improvised element, when we stumble into the not-known, brings out our innate creative intuition where a wealth of unconscious, and captivating intelligence lies.

SPECT scenkonst
SPECT scenkonst was founded in 2013 and is a performing arts group based on my method, ImproGestalt®.
As the artistic director, I combine theater techniques, text, movement, and personal processes in rehearsals and improvisations. SPECT scenkonst is also a training platform for performing artists that promotes methods for development of stagecraft. Based in Malmö, SPECT scenkonst strives to be a distinct voice within the performing arts.

"Vårda mig ömt" på Byteatern i Kalmar
"Det jag förväntar mig av en regissör är att hen är lyhörd och erbjuder mig stor frihet som skådespelare. Jag fick uppleva det med Eva, en regissör lika känslig som materialet vi arbetade med. Det blev en uppsättning jag bär med mig i hjärtat."
– Gunilla Larsson, skådespelare
ImproGestalt® is a synergy of gestalt methodology and theater craft , drawing inspiration from Viola Spolin's Theatre Games.
It provides techniques for living art and artistic, personal growth through relational exploration for an ensemble. By dissolving limiting concepts and supporting honest, direct communication it gives a greater creative freedom.
It provides an embodied experience through co-creation promoting the joy of discovery and keeping the here-and-now experience vibrant.

SPECT Scenkonst was formed based on the IMPROGESTALT method initiated by director, actor, and Gestalt therapist Eva Wendt, who is the artistic director of the group.
The method is based on a personal and relational process combined with work on improvisation, text, movement, and dance. In addition to performances, the group has had a continuous training forum and education for actors and other performing artists in the region.
One of SPECT Scenkonst's core ideas is that actors do not pretend to be the character and expect the audience to believe it. The form plays with the agreement between the audience and the stage to enter the theater's magical "as if" together.

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